Volley is not only a Beach Holiday Leisure, It’s a Hardcore Sports

Volleyball is an eminent and popular game among the youngsters and people of all ages. There are hardcore professional players available in the sports arena as it is one of the games of prestigious Olympics. And people now want to be updated of the game. So here will be discussed some technicalities to have a hold on the game as a viewer easily.

synthetic surface of volleyball court

A number of standards need to be matched first for the safety of the court on both surface and interface level.

It is a game of two teams each having six players each and it has been included in the year 1964.
The standard size of a volleyball court is 18m X 9m and the dimension of the net is 1m X 2.43m.
There is an attack line which is distanced 3 meters from the net.
The synthetic surface volleyball court is apt for the game when it is played as indoor one.
There are different types of volleyball surfaces, one of which is synthetic surface. This system not only increases the speed of the game but also helpful while shooting across the net. Apart from this, the synthetic flooring is more comfortable and less tiresome than other acrylics. This is also easy to maintain and long lasting too.
The ball for this specific game should be made of synthetic leather the shape would be spherical. It should weighs 260 to 280 grams (FIVB).


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